How to delete a project?

Deleting a project can be done either from the Projects page or through the Project Settings inside the project you want to delete.

⚠️Warning: Deleting a project is irreversible! You may want to consider archiving the project instead unless you're absolutely sure that you no longer need it and all its content.

Deleting a Project from the Projects Page

You can delete a project on the Projects page.

  1. Access the Projects page by clicking Projects in the account menu.
  2. Find the project you want to delete, and click its card's dot menu.
  3. Click Delete and a confirmation dialog box will appear.
  4. Carefully review the message to make sure you're deleting the right project and then click Confirm deletion to proceed.

Deleting a Project Through the Project Settings

Access the project you want to delete via the project dropdown (#1). Then, go to Dashboard (#2) in the sidebar menu and find Project Settings (#3).

Once you're on the Project settings page, click the red Delete Project button. A confirmation dialog box will appear, similar to the one earlier.

Always double-check the project name to make sure it's the project you want to delete!